L.E.A.N. Start Workshop

For adults or caregivers of children ages 3 – 12, or anyone that works with children.

A scientifically based, clinically proven approach to wellness that focuses on the four pillars of health; Lifestyle, Exercise, Attitude, and Nutrition. This course will:

  • Teach you how to improve your children’s attitude, behavior, learning, self-esteem, energy, and focus.
  • Allow you to sets goals and develop a lifetime of achievable healthy habits for your entire family.
  • Teach you how to avoid nutrition related diseases such as type II diabetes, heart disease, respiratory problems & cancer.
  • Make nutrition at home easy and fun, while preparing healthy food that tastes great.
  • Teach your kids how to make healthier choices for themselves.

  • Traffic Light Eating and Portion Control – Learn what your body needs to be healthy and fun ways to get your family moving
  • Brainy Breakfast and Grains – Discover brainy breakfast tips, how to choose a nutritious cereal and all about carbs. 
  • Veggies and Fruit – Understand the importance of fiber and ten fiber-boosting tips. You will learn how to value your veggies and how to teach your kids to value them too.  
  • The Skinny on Fat – Discover the facts about fat, which fats are good, and what kind of fats you and your family should be eating.
  • Power Up with Protein and Play– You’ll learn why protein is good for you, how much protein is enough, and what kind of protein you and your family should eat.
  • Water – Learn why water is so important for you and your kids and get tips on ways to water your body.

6 Sessions
