
Is stress, anxiety, or unresolved emotions holding you back from living your best life? Discover the transformative power of TFT/EFT also known as tapping therapy!

As a Certified TFT/EFT practitioner, I will guide you through this gentle yet effective approach to release emotional blocks and restore balance. Experience a personalized, safe, and supportive environment as you learn to tap on specific acupressure points to release emotional energy and cultivate a positive mindset.

Single Session


per session

A single 60 minute guided tapping session

Pre-Pay Package


per package

4-60 minute guided tapping sessions, pre-paid at a discounted rate

TFT (thought field therapy) and EFT (emotional Freedom technique), also known as Tapping, is a therapeutic method that combines traditional Chinese acupressure with modern psychology. It involves tapping on specific meridian points on the body to release emotional energy and alleviate various issues.

Tapping is known to be effective for a wide range of issues, including stress, anxiety, phobias, trauma, pain management, and improving emotional well-being. It is often used to address both emotional and physical challenges.

Tapping is believed to work by balancing the body’s energy system. Tapping on specific points helps to address disruptions in the energy flow caused by negative emotions or experiences, promoting a sense of emotional and physical well-being.

Yes, Tapping is generally considered safe. EFT and TFT are holistic approaches that may complement conventional medical or psychological treatments. However, they are not a substitute for professional medical, psychological, or psychiatric advice, diagnosis, or treatment. It is important to consult with qualified healthcare professionals regarding your physical or mental health.